About Buffalo Bill
I grew up in eastern Long Island, a little town called Sag Harbor. A beautiful place surrounded by water,ocean and bays. My Mom once told me that when I was a little kid on the beach I would steal folks' hats right off their heads,she would have to return them to the rightful owners! My love for hats stayed with me all my life as my love for the cowboy! I later became a Police Officer in NY and in VA ,where I almost quit my job to join another force just because of the trooper style hat they wore! When off duty I could always be seen with a cowboy hat,of course shaped by me. My love for the west and the cowboy was always burning inside me, other Officers used to say to me "why don't you go to Texas and be a dam cowboy" and that is just what I did! Once in Texas I didn't waste time surrounding myself with some of the best cowboys in Texas! Working on ranches and learning about the cowboy and the cowboy ways. I got a chance to put on a cowboy show's at a festival,gunfight skits, gun tricks and good cowboy humor at its best! This is where Buffalo Bill came to life,for 13 years me and my group of roughriders made thousands of kids smile. The show grew,once we did a cattle drive through a town with 200 kids in wagons, many 3 day festivals and wagon trains teaching kids about the cowboy way honor, love of country and respect for the service men and women that keep us free! I had at times 150 volunteers and did major events all over Texas and Oklahoma. My family of 5 children were always a huge part of every event. All this time collecting hats for myself. Left Texas to bring my daughter to Nashville to pursue her country music career and landed in Franklin TN 21 years ago, and here I am today! So now folks I am going to finally give you a chance to buy a hat made by me, every hat is a story with hours of creative energy to make this an experience you will cherish forever, all made with my love for the cowboy and the west. Franklin is my home but I wear some Texas everyday! Be honored if you decide to saddle up and buy one!
See Y'all on trail!
thank you!